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1146, Domingos de Almeida Av., Pelotas- RS, BR 96085-470


Can I purchase ShellHub on a subscription basis?

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Does ShellHub allow remote access with a graphical interface (VNC style)?

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How devices are hidden on the network?

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How does ShellHub handle information auditing?

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How does ShellHub prevent man-in-the-middle attacks?

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How does ShellHub protect data?

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How is the Enterprise Edition licensed?

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Is it allowed to use authentication via public and private keys?

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Is it possible to access devices managed by ShellHub via Windows?

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Is it possible to filter connections via MAC both in ShellHub and SSH?

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Is it possible to use ShellHub to access machines in cloud providers?

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Is it safe to couple all the accesses in a single platform?

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Is support included with the purchase of the Enterprise or Cloud Edition?

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Is there a free trial available for the Enterprise or Cloud Edition?

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What can I do to further protect my data while using ShellHub

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What is required to provision the ShellHub Community environment?

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What is the problem with current SSH causing ShellHub development?

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What payment methods are accepted for the Enterprise and Cloud Editions?

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See full documentation